Fathers day gifts Is Crucial To Your Business. Learn Why!

Another piece fathers day gifts on this in a second day all right we're gonna call that ain't for now got to come back and do one more a little bit matter of fact let's go ahead and do that now before.

We start assembling so we've got our wallet part ready to assemble we got our gift card pocket ready but we need our picture frame and I want to show you how I did

That I use my frame punch board and if you guys remember I did a video on Facebook showing you guys.

The first impression of this and I love this framed board because it makes it so easy to get a frame now I've set my little pieces these guys

Remind me of like the battleship pieces how they come out I've set them to the size

I want my frame and you can do that whenever you're making yours I think I did mine let's see mines on half an inch okay I'm going to put this piece in I'm going to punch like so and it leaves me with that then I'm going to turn it and punch again and.

It leaves me with that I'm gonna go all four corners and punch this is so easy to see what I've gotten I've got this shape alright then I'm going to lift this up and I've moved this little battleship piece to the same place it needs to be here to match

Here so it's don't happen in there like battleship look don't they remind you of it they do me so I'm putting it on the half-inch piece here too okay and then I want to take

My little blade you're all familiar with we are memory keepers blades and what I like to do is put it in the middle and sink it like I do whenever I'm doing cutting with

My Cricut trimmer sink it and turn the one in the sink it and go to the other then I want to turn it this one because it's such a tiny little spot I just kind of sink it and just

Move it to either side this is not hard to do and I love that we can make frames so fast there we go alright now then I'll put this back here move this guy out of the way and I got to show.


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